
A practice-led visual research outlet.

A kind message to... 

Local-only surf culture is a term used to describe the practice of limiting access to certain surfing spots only to those who are members of the local surfing community. This practice is often seen in places where surfing is popular, and the spots are limited, such as in crowded urban areas or in small coastal towns.

The importance of this local-only surf culture is rooted in the idea of community and a sense of ownership and stewardship over the surf spots. Many surfers feel that the experience of surfing is heightened by sharing it with like-minded individuals who are also invested in protecting the environment and the culture of the sport.

However, the practice of local-only surfing has also led to conflicts between surfers who are not part of the local community and those who are. In some cases, tensions have arisen when non-locals have accessed and surfed at these secret surf locations, leading to acts of aggression or violence.

In response to these conflicts, some surfers have protested against the practice of keeping secret surf locations private. They argue that these locations should be accessible to all, regardless of whether they are part of the local community. This has sparked a larger conversation about the ethics of sharing surf spots and whether they should be kept secret or made public.

Ultimately, the decision to share or keep secret surf spots is a personal one, and surfers must weigh the benefits of protecting the environment and the culture of the sport against the desire to share it with a wider community. It is important to remember that everyone who surfs shares a love for the ocean and the sport and that respect and understanding are key to creating a harmonious surfing community.

The kind message project is a visual approach to the social commentary. The protest boards are located and photographed in a number of key locations within the east coasts surf scene.